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словацкий, словатский, словакский

Чт сен 15, 2005 5:35

купил мой друг dvd-player. листаю руководство, там список языков с кодами, и в том числе присутствует словатский. и сразу вспомнил как на каком-то форуме тип удивлялся - а с каких пор "словацкий", всегда ведь "словакский" было! теперь думаю не забывать бы при поиске в инете искать по всем вариантам, мало ли чего интересного найдётся :)

Slovansko vs. Slovensko

Чт сен 15, 2005 9:16

i translated your message as (better to say my program):
My friend dvd-player has bought. I thumb through a management, there the list of languages with codes, and including is present slovatsky. And at once has recollected as at any forum type was surprised - and since what times "Slovak", always in fact "slovaksky" was! Now I think to not forget by search in an Internet to search by all variants, whether it is not enough of that interesting will be Smile
when i understand you are wondering about the name of language : (in slovak language ---->) is slovak language "slovensky" but hmm its not easy to explain cause you can say also "slovansky" (and theoretical its more right than slovensky!!!)....also when we see it on theoretical way, there should be Slovania (Slovansko) not Slovakia (Slovensko), but the reality is a bit different as the theory :wink:

Чт сен 15, 2005 13:31

actually, its not what i was wondering about :wink:

see, in Russian, correct word for "slovenský" is "словацкий". however, surprisingly a lot of people don't know that. some, i guess, are logically thinking the correct way is "словакский" (with К instead of Ц): словаКия -> словаКский. however its not correct. and another way people are writing it is "словатский" - in this case they substitue letter Ц with ТС, wich will basicall pronounce the same, but, again, is not a correct way to write this word.

anyways, the reason i started talking about this, is cause last night i typed in a search engine "словакский" and "словатский" and it found thousands of pages where people were using these incorrect ways to write it - pages which do not show up if one'd be searching for something "slovak" using correct spelling. :)


Чт сен 15, 2005 14:51

ups :oops: :D

Пт сен 16, 2005 23:37

Zrejme ruské prípony sú ťažké nielen pre cudzincov :lol: